Friday, February 27, 2009

Blog 13

Alright. So I'm finding out people actually read this which excites me! And it's good to know it's worth my while. This past Saturday we met with the caterer and took care of all the details that weren't nailed down yet. She has since given us a price on everything. And yes it was more than we had budgeted for, but we figured it'd be over budget and fortunately it wasn't as much over as we thought it could be. And the thing is, Patty is worth every penny so I'm SO excited! I know I probably wont be real hungry when I'm at the reception but I hope I am!!! Because I want to eat it ALL!!!!
Also on Saturday I picked up the Bridesmaid dresses! I went with Deana and she tried hers on, Jessica has since tried hers on and I will take Airika hers when I go to StL next month. Both Deanas and Jessicas dresses were too big on them which makes me kind of upset. When you measure someone shouldn't a dress at least fit a little and not fall off? So they will have to be altered. Ugh. But the dresses are very pretty and the girls look gorgeous in 'em!

Next on the agenda... find some necklaces for the flower girls. Finish the Table Names and make the picture slideshows. Also like I said we are always working to make our house 'purdier' and people seeing it in June is partial motivation (but I for one just love working on my house and decorating). So with our tax return money we are planning on, money permitting, putting a fence along the back of our yard. Right now we have everything but the back because its woods behind our house which is very nice to see. But when you have a mischevious pup its best to close her in completely =) We are also wanting to relandscape a big section in the back. I couldn't figure out last summer how the previous owners had that area, everything grew in all nasty and I couldn't get it to look nice, plus we had a 'mint takeover'. It's indirect sunlight on the Southwest corner of our house. Anyone have plant suggestions?

Oh also I need to start clearing some room for Jake. I've already taken over the 2 master closets, all dresser drawers, made a storage closet in one of the rooms and starting putting clothes in the third bedroom closet. Soooo poor guy needs some space in that house, so I guess I'll see what I can do.

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