Thursday, February 5, 2009


TOMORROW!!!! My Mamacita is coming tomorrow!!!!!
We've got BIG plans while she's here. SO much to do! We are using Friday night just to get completely organized on what we'd like to accomplish. We both have lots of notes.

The bridal shower is officially set for April 18th now. I'm really looking forward to it. I was afraid I wouldn't get to enjoy all the showers and stuff that come with a wedding since my family isn't from Springfield, but fortunately my new in-laws are wonderful!

I'm already working on getting myself in perfect condition for the wedding. I've been working out and even whitening my teeth! Taking the time to take care of yourself sure makes you feel good about yourself. I wonder why we don't do it more often?

So, if you know my history with hair. You know I had many more inches hacked off than I wanted back in the fall of 2006. Well, I've been growing my hair out ever since. I'd say now it's finally back to where it was. I've always wanted super long hair. And it will be good to have long hair for the wedding, for the way I'm wanting it styled. But the longer it gets the uglier I feel! almost like it just drags me down and does nothing for my appearance. So I know it's cliche to cut your hair after you get married but now I'm seriously considering it. I would cut it to probably the middle of my neck and keep the bangs. But I dont know.... maybe since it's already this long I should let it keep growing until it's super long like I've always wanted. Hair is such a touchy subject. Because once its cut it cant be uncut.

I almost forgot to say something about this, but I'm glad I thought of it because I want to share it with every couple!! ... Jake and I saw Fireproof, it was so good! Theres a book you can get for it too. I recommend the movie to any couple. And I also recommend at least trying some of the ideas in the book or even ones you see in the movie. Isn't it amazing what a little effort can do for your relationship? I've already seen us grow in the last few days.

We watched Fireproof last Saturday at Stonebridge church and decided to go there the next day for service. We really enjoyed it. I'd hate to change churches again because i really just want to say we have a church home and after after trying a few churches at the beginning of our relationship, we ended up at NorthPoint and have been going there for a year and a half. But on the other hand I want to follow Gods leading, so we'll see where He wants us.

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