Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Ok, things are getting exciting now. I really feel like the time is drawing near! A bridal shower is in the works for me in April thrown by Stephanie (Jake's stepmom) and Lori (Jake's aunt). It's going to be at Beths Baked Shop. I've always wanted to go there too!

Also, I feel like I can finally say our registries are complete! And thank goodness! We've been working on those and editing those for so long. We may not even get much on there but I feel like we've set up a good selection.

Another thing about weddings.... a lot of out of town family that would not otherwise visit will be in town so I'm in the long process of preparing my house for tours! We are trying to get the office all fixed up. We had it okay before but once we got a new couch for in there it became a jumping off point for me to redecorate the whole room. I started painting it last night and decided to just take it one wall at a time this week so it will be done in time for the weekend. I'll do more than one wall if I have time, but I have so many other things to get done in the evenings this week. We also really want to relandscape in the back. Theres one whole area of landscaping thats just kind of trashy in my opinion, the previous owners did great on everything else though. But that can get kind of pricey because it's a big area that needs done. So, I dont know if we'll be able to take care of that before the wedding.

Korey, my wonderful soon to be sister in law, came into my work today I showed her around the office and how to do things because she is going to fill in for me on Monday. That way my mom and I can have a nice long weekend to really get things accomplished. It's hard doing alot of planning without her here. Jake's been great at helping me, but, well.... he's still a guy.

...'til next time.

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